Easy Qwixx Score Sheet to Print in English

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Qwixx:: QWIXX Interactive Excel Sheet (Multi-language Support) By: dekunutcase
QWIXX Interactive Excel Sheet v 2.1.xlsm (69 KB)

An Excel spreadsheet that allows you to avoid using any paper or simply to play online with your friends! (To access the Google Spreadsheet, open the Excel file and the link is on the instructions page.)

- Automatically updates scores and locked rows as you play, helping those playing to understand the rules.
- When you change the value of the fields, it will turn it gray and automatically update your score.
- When two unique locks have been locked, the game will cross of all remaining spaces to indicate the game is over.
- Press the Reset button to reset the scorecards.
- You can play any of the following versions of QWIXX: QWIXX, QWIXX MIXX, SCRAMBLIXX, RAMMIXX, RAMBLIXX, SCRAMMIXX

Google Sheets only features: (To access, download the Excel file and click the link in the Instructions page)
- Multi-language support using Google Translate (including, but not limited to, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) The only thing that doesn't translate is the Record and Reset button which I could not find a good icon for. Let me know if you know of an intuitive icon for that.
- Automatically updating the keys on the scorecards when a game type is selected
- A statistics page to easily keep track of players, games and scores. With the click of a button, record your scores and reset the game for the next round.

Version 2.0:
- Added the ability to play with up to 8 players (instead of 5)
- A functional Reset button has been added that clears the board, rather than forcing one to go to the Macros menu. (Excel only, GS already had this functionality)
- Lost the instructions page of the spreadsheet.

Version 2.1:
- Added non-English language support (Google Sheets only)
- Added instructions page back into the file (with a link to the Google Sheet page)

Aug 2, 2021

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Qwixx:: Qwixx Scoresheets - 20 per sheet of paper By: gnehsse
Qwixx Scoresheets (10).pdf (209 KB)

10 scoresheets for each side of paper (20 total). Print with Adobe using a "2 x 5" sheets per page custom setting, and print on both sides of the page.

I copied this format from MonkeyFight but nixed the rule reminders since the rules are very easy, which allowed me to fit 20 on a sheet of paper instead of 8.

Just remember that you can get an extra "X" for "locking" a color, and on your turn, you can't choose the order you do things; must use the white dice first (or pass), then the white/color combo (or pass). If you pass on both, you take the -5 penalty.

Jun 7, 2021

Thumbs Up 14

Qwixx:: Qwixx Score Sheets 4x layout with instructions and variants By: MonkeyFight
QWIXX_Score_Sheet - with instructions.pdf (1.06 MB)

Continued word tweaking but added two new sheets and a third sheet of jumbled numbers for the "Rammixx" sheet. First I called Scrammixx. Scrammix has the color mix up of Mixx with the number mix up of Scramblixx. The numbers are arranged such that numbers do not repeat in either row or color. The next two sheets are for Rammixx. A blank Mixx sheet and a grid of number layouts to use (if non-repeating row/color is desired). Or use your own layout. It's your game!

Jan 21, 2021
QWIXX_Score_Sheet - with instructions.pdf (801 KB)

Based on the file made available by @navybrandt with the excellent "on the side" addition. I have a "Store and Print" printer and wanted various game sheets ready to go. I adjusted it so each sheet has 4 player sheets and instructions at the bottom. Just print, cut, read, play.

I added a forth option to @navybrandt's set, RAMBLIXX. All of the squares are empty. Before play, players assign the 2-12 numbers in the order they please or randomly, all the same or all unique among players.

Wording revised for clarity and added "fill left to right" note to all variants.

Jul 1, 2020
QWIXX_Score_Sheet - with instructions.pdf (319 KB)

Based on the file made available by @navybrandt with the excellent "on the side" addition. I have a "Store and Print" printer and wanted various game sheets ready to go. I adjusted it so each sheet has 4 player sheets and instructions at the bottom. Just print, cut, read, play.

I added a forth option to @navybrandt's set, RAMBLIXX. All of the squares are empty. Before play, players assign the 2-12 numbers in the order they please or randomly, all the same or all unique among players.

Dec 16, 2019

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Qwixx:: Palette variant (with and without black die variant) By: ollie_olsen
Palette & Black die variant scoresheets and rules.pdf (552 KB)

The Palette variant uses one less die (no green die), but has 6 rows for scoring. Combining red and yellow to make orange, yellow and blue to make green and red and blue to make purple give the additional scoring opportunities. Dice colors can be locked out, but not the dice themselves, as they are used for combinations. Play until three rows are locked out (or four No Play blocks are marked). Additional scoresheets with a black die variant are included. Pages 2 and 3 of the PDF file can be printed back to back to have both variants for lamination.

Jan 20, 2020

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Qwixx:: Scoresheet with black die variant By: ollie_olsen
Black Die variant scoresheet for Qwixx.jpg (167 KB)

This is based on info I saw in https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1107649/black-die-variant-t...

Black Die variant
Add a black die for a total of 7 dice.
The active player, instead of using a color die and a white die, can choose the black die and one of the white dice and then subtract the white die from the black die and mark off the value in the black-row (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Numbers in this row can only be marked off from left to right; however, you do not have to start with the leftmost number and any numbers skipped may not be marked off later. This row does not count as a locked row for end game purposes. Note: this row cannot be marked off using two white dice.
Note: You start the game with a 32 score (no blocks marked) that will be subtracted from the total score, so it is important to not overlook marking some blocks in this row.
When the game ends, score for black as listed below and subtract this amount in the corresponding box.
0X = 32
1X = 16
2X = 8
3X = 4
4X = 2
5X = 0

Jan 20, 2020

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Qwixx:: Triple Qwixx: Roll your own fate. By: Ben_Rushing
Triple Qwixx.xlsx (2.85 MB)

One of the things that I realized was that Qwixx is such a versatile and customizable game. So I thought, why not make a choose your own adventure version of Qwixx? So I devised a roll your own Qwixx score sheet game. This will be on a pending excel spreadsheet.

You can pick any score card except Big points, which I will work on later. You can pick a standard setup, a color shift set up, a chain set up, and a highlighted wave set up.

Triple Qwixx exists as 3 phases.

Phase 1: players roll for Red and Yellow. You roll all of the dice and come up with scores as you would in Qwixx first then you decide if you want to play the public point, which everyone has the option to play or decline. Then you decide to play or decline the private point. This includes using blue and green as wild dice that can be scored with one of the white dice as either yellow or red. You write the numbers from left to right and attempt to be strategic about it. Obviously a 7 is more likely to be rolled so you might want to list it first. There must be no repeated numbers on a row. Once a 2 is used on Yellow, you can not use it again. If you are unable or unwilling to make a single play on your roll, you must take a forfeit. The game ends when a player either fills up both the yellow and red row or scores 4 forfeits. At this point you flag the last spaces that you filled in round one so that you can have an accurate score. Score the Red and Yellow rows along with the forfeits on the top score lines. Tally the total on the top score line. Negative scores are possible.

Phase 2 is played like Phase 1 but instead players roll for Blue and Green with the Red and Yellow dice being wild. Same game termination rules apply. Once Phase 2 is over flag the last number on each space. Write down the score for the blue and green rows along with the forfeits. Negative scores are possible. After the scores are written on the middle line. Players fill out the remaining blank spaces as strategically as possible ensuring that no repeated numbers are used on each row.

Phase 3 is playing the newly constructed score sheets as you would in any game of Qwixx and its variants.

Alternatively you can also fill out the sheet without scoring on the top and middle lines and just play it as a custom game of qwixx.
Enjoy this game. Let me know how you like it.

Jan 13, 2020

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Qwixx:: Printable/customizable Kwixx scorecard By: Ben_Rushing
KWIXX.xlsx (42 KB)

I really like Kwixx. My favorite game to play. I made an excell sheet so that you can print out your own Kwixx sheet. Also on the Sheet are Yahtzer score cards, Must not stop game sheet, tic tac yahtzer, connect 4 yahtzer, shut the box and centenial sheet. Laminate and use dry erase marker for continued fun.

Jan 9, 2020

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Qwixx:: Space Qwixx board By: gabtrat

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Qwixx:: Low-ink Qwixx Scoresheet (Fixed) By: Jefhaugh
Qwixx.pdf (438 KB)

Color, 6 to a page, designed for inkjet printing.

Rev 1/1/19 - corrected scoring.

Jan 1, 2019

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Qwixx:: Unofficial Qwixx Solo Opponents By: DoxaLogos
Qwixx Solo Variant - Qwincy & Qwixotic.pdf (60 KB)

These are some rules that give you a solo opponent if you prefer to compete instead of "beat your score". It works fairly well for me. I hope you enjoy.

Sep 10, 2018

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Qwixx:: Laser-cut Qwixx board .SVG (24 in. x 12 in.) By: hjo3
24x12_dice-board-qw_ponoko_fixed(byHenry).svg (1.20 MB)

These are plans for laser-cutting a pair of plywood Qwixx boards 11.5 inches wide by 5.5 inches tall from a piece of 24 inch by 12 inch plywood. I designed the boards myself. Each board is composed of two pieces: A base with numbers, penalty X's, and lock symbols, and a top piece the same size that is glued onto the base (this has the arrows, point chart, and labels). The idea is that you color the numbers (I used watercolor paint), glue on the top piece, then lacquer the whole thing. The holes in the top piece are just the right size for U.S. pennies (dimes work fine too). This file conforms to Ponoko's design requirements and is ready-to-go for them, but should be easy to convert for laser cutting by another service or local machine (just delete the extra layers).

Mar 10, 2017

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Qwixx:: Pocket Qwixx By: ushimoren
Pocket Qwixx v1.1.jpg (317 KB)

A super portable scorecard and reference sheet that I have designed to fit inside a standard MTG-sized card sleeve. Also included in the PDF is an optional backing for the reference sheet.

A single ultra pro sleeve holds ~9 double sided score cards.

Best partnered with 10mm dice to maximise the portability!

v1.1 includes minor visual/layout improvements, effectively replacing the original which I have since deleted.

This file is an image demonstrating the size of the scorecards with an MTG card included for scale (banana can be added upon request!)

Jan 13, 2017
Pocket Qwixx v1.1.pdf (695 KB)

A super portable scorecard and reference sheet that I have designed to fit inside a standard MTG-sized card sleeve. Also included in the PDF is an optional backing for the reference sheet.

A single ultra pro sleeve holds ~9 double sided score cards.

Best partnered with 10mm dice to maximise the portability!

v1.1 includes minor visual/layout improvements, effectively replacing the original which I have since deleted.

Jan 13, 2017

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Qwixx:: QWIXX score sheet (corrected) + varients By: navybrandt
QWIXX Score Sheet.vsd (940 KB)

And here is the Visio version of the file

Dec 31, 2016
QWIXX Score Sheet.pdf (237 KB)

Based on rickmagley1's version of the score sheet but with corrections.

I also included rules variations. ENJOY!

I used MS Visio to make it and included the original file too in case someone wants to make their own edits.

Dec 28, 2016

Thumbs Up 175

Qwixx:: Qwixx Scoresheet in English By: rantan
SingleQwixxScoresheetA4.pdf (187 KB)

Single Qwixx Scoresheet in English, A4 default size, value added by inclusion of notes to ease reminding the rules. Done with Inkscape. Converted SVG-version into PDF on request of BGG admins. Substituted "2x padlock" by "2 dice removed".

Apr 8, 2016
qwixx-scoresheet-en-a4-v2.pdf (77 KB)

Qwixx Scoresheet in English, A4, value added by inclusion of notes to ease reminding the rules. Done with Inkscape. Converted SVG-version into PDF on request of BGG admins. Substituted "2x padlock" by "2 dice removed".

Mar 13, 2013
qwixx-scoresheet-en-a4.pdf (36 KB)

Qwixx Scoresheet in English, A4, value added by inclusion of notes to ease reminding the rules. Done with Inkscape. Converted SVG-version into PDF on request of BGG admins.

Feb 21, 2013

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Qwixx:: Better Scorecard Layout By: rickmagley1
Quixx.pdf (2.80 MB)

The original scorecard is difficult to add up. This one makes it all easier.

Mar 24, 2016

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Qwixx:: QWIXX Scoresheet - Black and White - English By: rashiki
QWIXX Scoresheet - Black and White - English - v1.pdf (62 KB)

QWIXX scoresheet that I created myself for black and white printers, 8.5" x 11" (letter) paper size, in English, and in PDF format. Fits 4 scoresheets per page in landscape orientation.

Oct 15, 2015

Thumbs Up 58

Qwixx:: Qwixx Scoresheet With Rule Guide (english) By: wmbutler97
qwixx_scoresheet.pdf (7.31 MB)

Larger fonts for better readability and small rule clarifications.

Jan 12, 2015
qwixx_scoresheet.pdf (7.23 MB)

5 up on a page. Fits in game box. Includes quick rule guide. I've lamented mine and use dry erase markers to keep track of scores.

Jan 11, 2015

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Qwixx:: Qwixx scoresheet in Excel By: Himmelhund
QwixxBlockTemplates.xls (21 KB)

Own version of scoresheet considering all the features of the original and providing a space to write the player's name. The page fits neatly into one A4 printout and makes for 6 scoresheets per page.

Nov 3, 2014

Thumbs Up 34

Qwixx:: Qwixx Solo - Play! By: csibu
Qwixx-Solo-ENG.xlsm (21 KB)

Qwixx computer based version!

Sep 3, 2013

Thumbs Up 39

Qwixx:: Qwixx board By: Martinus
Qwixx_board_rounded.pdf (14 KB)

The same layout only with all the boxes having rounded edges.

note: a board like this works well with 2 players if printed on an A4 sized sheet. And A3 should support 3-4 players, although it does get harder to keep track of your own progress with so many cubes in so many different colors on the board. So I recommend to use the board only for 2 and maybe 3 players.

See the thread below for more ideas on how to use this board. Like using (small and large) dice to keep track of the number of crosses in a row as well as what digit was crossed last.

Jul 15, 2013
Qwixx_board.pdf (12 KB)

A board for keeping track of how all players are progressing. Use it instead of the original scoresheet by placing 8-10 mm cubes on the board during play (a stash of about 40-50 cubes per player recommended).

Inspired by this board from user OrangeHat: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1712862/qwixx

Jul 14, 2013

Thumbs Up 44

Qwixx:: Qwixx Scoresheet in English - red green colorblind friendly By: rantan
qwixx-scoresheet-en-a4-v2-red-green-colorblind-friendly.pdf (77 KB)

Qwixx Scoresheet in English, A4, red green colorblind friendly (red replaced by black), value added by inclusion of notes to ease reminding the rules. Done with Inkscape. Converted SVG-version into PDF on request of BGG admins. Substituted "2x padlock" by "2 dice removed". Colors are easy to adapt for specific needs in SVG version.

Mar 15, 2013
qwixx-scoresheet-en-a4-red-green-colorblind-friendly.pdf (36 KB)

Qwixx Scoresheet in English, A4, red green colorblind friendly (red replaced by black), value added by inclusion of notes to ease reminding the rules. Done with Inkscape. Converted SVG-version into PDF on request of BGG admins. Colors are easy to adapt for specific needs in SVG version.

Feb 21, 2013


Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/files/thing/131260?sort=recent&languageid=2184&B1=Apply

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